Empower Financial Clarity with Hurdlr’s Financial Statements API

Empower your users with comprehensive financial reporting through our integrated Financial Statements API. Elevate your vertical SaaS or fintech platform by giving your customers the critical financial insights they need to make informed decisions and drive their business forward.


Hurdlr's Financial Statements API simplifies the process of providing your users with essential financial reporting capabilities. By leveraging our powerful API, you can quickly integrate comprehensive financial statement generation into your vertical SaaS or fintech platform, eliminating the need for your users to manage complex bookkeeping tasks.

Our API automatically maintains a General Ledger behind the scenes for all your users, ensuring they have access to accurate and up-to-date financial reports without the burden of understanding the intricacies of accounting. With Hurdlr's Financial Statements API, your users can focus on what matters most – growing their business.

Efficiently integrate your existing data sources with our API through our Plaid integration and other native integrations, or a custom integration. Our dedicated API team is ready to guide you, ensuring a smooth and successful implementation.

Unlock the power of financial reporting for your users with Hurdlr's Financial Statements API and take your platform to the next level.



The Benefits of the Financial Statements API

Integrating Hurdlr's Financial Statements API into your vertical SaaS or fintech platform offers many benefits that can help you enhance your user experience, increase customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

  1. Enhanced User Experience: Provide your users with a seamless and intuitive financial reporting experience, eliminating the need to navigate complex accounting software or manage their bookkeeping.
  2. Increased Customer Satisfaction: Empower your customers with the financial insights they need to make informed decisions, fostering trust and loyalty in your platform.
  3. Competitive Advantage: Differentiate your vertical SaaS or fintech platform from competitors by offering advanced financial reporting capabilities attracting and retaining more users.
  4. Simplified Integration: With the support of our dedicated API team, easily integrate Hurdlr's Financial Statements API into your existing platform, leveraging our Plaid integration and other native integrations, or custom integration options.
  5. Customizable Reporting: Offer your users a variety of report formats (HTML, PDF, XLS, JSON) to suit their specific needs, whether displaying reports within your application, allowing downloads, or enabling custom report creation.
  6. Scalability: As your user base grows, Hurdlr's Financial Statements API scales with you, providing reliable and efficient financial reporting capabilities without additional infrastructure investments.
  7. Time and Cost Savings: Leverage our pre-built, tested, and maintained Financial Statements API to save valuable development time and costs, allowing your team to focus on core platform features and enhancements.
  8. By incorporating these benefits, your vertical SaaS or fintech platform can deliver unparalleled user value.

The Features of the Financial Statements API

Hurdlr's Financial Statements API includes comprehensive features designed to streamline financial reporting for your users and simplify integration for your development team.

  1. Automated General Ledger: Our API automatically maintains a General Ledger for all your users, eliminating the need for manual bookkeeping and ensuring accurate financial reporting.
  2. Seamless Data Integration: With the support of our dedicated API team, connect your existing data sources to the Hurdlr API effortlessly, either through our Plaid integration and other native integrations, or via a custom integration.
  3. Comprehensive Report Formats: Generate financial reports in various formats, including HTML for in-app display, PDF for downloading and sharing, XLS for data-rich exports, and JSON for custom report creation.
  4. Flexible Report Generation: Easily generate financial statements using simple POST calls with customizable parameters to suit your users' needs.
  5. In-App Report Display: Seamlessly embed HTML reports into your application's user interface, providing users instant access to their financial statements.
  6. Secure Report Sharing: Allow users to download and share reports securely via temporary links or by hosting the files on your server, ensuring that sensitive financial information remains protected.
  7. White-Label Branding: Customize financial reports to match your platform's branding, providing users with a cohesive and professional experience.
  8. Detailed Documentation: Access comprehensive API documentation that outlines available reports, parameters, and integration steps, making implementation a breeze for your development team.
  9. Dedicated Support: Benefit from the expertise of our dedicated API team, who are ready to assist you with any integration questions or customization needs.
  10. With these powerful features, Hurdlr's Financial Statements API empowers your vertical SaaS or fintech platform to deliver unparalleled financial reporting functionality to your users, setting you apart from the competition.

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Frequently asked questions

  1. What is a Financial Statements API?
    A Financial Statements API is a tool that allows vertical SaaS and fintech platforms to integrate comprehensive financial reporting capabilities into their applications, enabling their users to generate and access essential financial statements seamlessly.
  2. What are the benefits of using a Financial Statements API for my business?
    A Financial Statements API can help streamline your financial reporting processes, reduce manual errors, and provide real-time access to critical financial data. This enables better decision-making, improved efficiency, and enhanced transparency for your business.
  3. How secure is the data handled by Financial Statements APIs?
    Reputable Financial Statements API providers implement robust security measures to protect sensitive financial data. These may include encryption, secure data transmission protocols, and compliance with industry standards such as PCI DSS and SOC 2. It's essential to choose a provider that prioritizes data security.
  4. Can Financial Statements APIs integrate with my existing accounting software?
    Many Financial Statements APIs are designed to integrate with popular accounting software platforms, such as QuickBooks, Xero, or NetSuite. However, the specific integration capabilities may vary depending on the API provider. It's essential to check with the provider to ensure compatibility with your existing accounting system.
  5. How much technical expertise is required to implement a Financial Statements API?
    The technical expertise required to implement a Financial Statements API can vary depending on the provider and the complexity of your integration. Some APIs offer user-friendly SDKs and extensive documentation to simplify the integration process. However, it's generally recommended to have a development team with API integration experience to ensure a smooth implementation.
  6. What is the pricing model for Financial Statements APIs?
    Pricing models for Financial Statements APIs can vary significantly between providers. Some may charge based on the number of API calls, while others may offer tiered pricing plans based on the volume of data processed or the number of users.
  7. What types of financial statements can be generated using Hurdlr's Financial Statements API?
    Hurdlr's Financial Statements API supports generating various financial statements, including Balance Sheets, Income Statements, Cash Flow Statements, and more, in formats such as HTML, PDF, XLS, and JSON.
  8. How does the automated General Ledger work?
    The Hurdlr Financial Statements API automatically maintains a General Ledger for all your users behind the scenes, eliminating the need for manual bookkeeping. This ensures that financial statements are always accurate and up-to-date without requiring your users to have accounting expertise.
  9. Can I customize the financial reports to match my platform's branding?
    Yes, Hurdlr's API team can work with you to customize the financial reports generated through the API to match your platform's branding, ensuring a seamless and professional experience for your users.
  10. How do I integrate my data sources with the Hurdlr Financial Statements API?Integrating your existing data sources with the Hurdlr Financial Statements API is simple. You can either leverage our Plaid integration and other native integrations, or opt for a custom integration. Our dedicated API team can guide you through the process and ensure a smooth implementation.
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