Column Tax

One of the many benefits of using the Hurdlr API is that all the financial data that flows through the Hurdlr API is automatically assembled into the formats needed for business owners to quickly and easily file their taxes. Hurdlr has a native integration with Column Tax, allowing your users to seamlessly access a co-branded tax filing experience (Your Company + Column Tax) without any developer effort on your team's end.

1. How it works

Through Hurdlr's Column Tax integration, all data flowing through the Hurdlr API (e.g. Plaid/bank transactions, Stripe invoicing/payment data, etc.) is automatically categorized and assembled into the format needed to be ingested by Column Tax. That data is then automatically sent to Column Tax, removing all integration work from your development team's workload. All your team needs to do is share your Column Tax developer keys with Hurdlr.

2. Creating a Column Tax developer account

If you haven't already done so, you should reach out to [email protected] to create a developer account.

3. Securely sharing your Column Tax keys

Once Column Tax has created a developer account for you, you can contact us directly at [email protected] to let us know, and the Hurdlr team will securely obtain your sandbox keys directly from Column Tax.

Our API team will confirm once your keys are live in the Hurdlr API, so you can quickly move on to the next step.

4. Displaying the tax filing UX

You can quickly and easily use Hurdlr's Embeddable User Interface for Taxes, which includes all the necessary UI for getting tax estimates and entering the DIY tax filing flow. This approach gets your product up and running in minutes.

Alternatively, if you would like to add your own CTA for triggering the DIY tax filing, then you can simply route the user into the DIY tax filing experience upon your CTA being pressed.

5. Going live in production

The Hurdlr API team will coordinate with the Column Tax team in order to perform QA testing, obtain access to production keys, and ultimately go live in production.