Form 1120-S

The Form 1120-S is generally used by S-corporations to file taxes with the IRS. Hurdlr makes generating this form a breeze.

1. How it works

Take a look at our Tax Reporting docs for an overview on how to easily generate tax reports for your users.

Any data that has been tracked within the Hurdlr API, including expenses, income, tax profile, etc., will all automatically flow into the Form 1120-S.

2. Populate the desired parameters

Each tax report has a couple important parameters:

Parameter nameFormatExample
businessIdsArray of numeric IDs[416080, 416077]

A Form 1120-S has to be filed for each S-corporation.

The Hurdlr API already allows you to track income/expenses by business, which makes generating a Form 1120-S per business easy for you. To get the necessary businessIds, simply retrieve the user's businesses and group them together as shown below.

3. Generating your Form 1120-S

Once you've decided on the appropriate parameters, you can build a report JSON object. To generate the report, simply create a POST call, as shown below:

curl \
  --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "name": "form1120S",
    "params": {
      "year": 2020,
      "businessIds": [416080, 416077]
    "exportType": "PDF"