
Many apps already leverage Intercom, to provide customer support, engage customers through lifecycle messaging, and track useful analytics. Hurdlr lets you leverage your existing Intercom integration, within Hurdlr's embeddable user interface.

1. How it works

If you are using Hurdlr's embeddable user interface, you can easily leverage Hurdlr's Intercom integration to enhance the data showing in your's Intercom profile. Actions that your users take inside Hurdlr's embeddable user interface will be tracked using Intercom events.

You can leverage those events to send your users meaningful lifecycle messages. For example, if your user has tracked self-employed income, you might automate a reminder that they owe quarterly tax estimates.

Additionally, if you provide chat support, then chat icons in the embeddable user interface will route to your Intercom support instance.

2. Getting started

First, be sure to have created your own Intercom app. In your Intercom dashboard, click on your avatar -> Settings -> Installation -> Web -> Install chat for logged-in users -> With code. You will see some sample JavaScript, from which you will want to copy the app_id value.

Next, you will want to implement Hurdlr's embeddable user interface.

Finally, when making the Hurdlr.init({...}) call described in the above link, you will want to amend the data parameters to include: intercomAppId: "YOUR_INTERCOM_APP_ID". Obviously, replace YOUR_INTERCOM_APP_ID with the value of the app_id attribute that you copied in the first step.

3. Next steps

Whether you are building your user lifecycle from scratch or have some existing engagement messaging that you are looking to enhance, the Hurdlr API team is here to help. Don't hesitate to email us at [email protected], and we would be glad to help you enhance and complete the best lifecycle for your product and vision, leveraging Hurdlr's Customer Success team's experience with over 700k+ app users.